Facility Rentals


All facility rentals require two steps:

1. Proof of Insurance (explained in detail here)

2. A signed A-2 Respectful Conduct Form. All renters must read and sign the acknowledgement form for our Respectful Conduct Policy. This form should be returned to the parish where the rental is taking place.


For leases of over $10,000 and/or longer than a year - they must be approved by the diocesan finance committee, diocesan council, and by the chancellor, prior to them being signed. To submit a request to enter into a lease please fill out and submit the Lease Request Form & Fee Setting Worksheet attached below.  If and when approval is granted the chancellor will work with you to ensure that a proper lease is drafted. Please note that finance committee and diocesan council only meet once every couple of months.  While we will endeavor to work with you to meet any deadlines you might have, the more lead time you can give us the better.