When an employee would like to take some time away from work, they must fill out and submit either the Lay or Clergy Absence Request Form. These forms are for requesting short absences such as vacation or continuing education, and for long-term absenses such as maternity, parental, extended medical leave and extended study.

Clergy - Please submit this form to your Regional Archdeacon at least 4 weeks before the proposed start date for short absences and at least 3 months before the proposed start date for long-term absences. Your Regional Archdeacon will submit your form to the payroll department (payroll@bc.anglican.ca) for accurate record keeping and to the bishop’s office via the Bishop's Executive Assistant (bishopadmin@bc.anglican.ca) for approval. Download the C-1 form below.

Lay - Please submit this form to your Supervisor (Incumbent or Warden) for approval at least two (2) weeks before the proposed start date for short absences and at least three (3) months before the proposed start date for long-term absences. Upon approval, this form must be sent to the payroll department (payroll@bc.anglican.ca). Download the L-1 form below.