One Planet One People

In the fall of 2019, St George the Martyr in Cadboro Bay, as part of it's ongoing series called "Wonderful Wednesdays (and Thursdays too!)", held seven educational sessions on the topic of climate change. One Planet, One People is the name given to that series. With the support of a Vision Fund grant, St George was able to produce a video of each talk so they could be made available to the whole diocese and the general public. 


When we read the phrase “ecological crisis,” we may fear that we’re going to hear predictions of doom and gloom that will overwhelm us. This series it not about doom and gloom, but about honesty and hope. In this series we will be invited to look at the realities of the ecological crisis we find ourselves in, but, even more so, we will be invited to look at how with resiliency, creativity and energy we can work together to meet the challenge before us.

Our speakers bring an abundance of knowledge and experience to help us understand how we can transform the way we live in the world in order to sustain and honour the ecosystems that give us life. Some speakers will help us to shift our understanding of what’s needed, while others will give us practical steps we can take today to make a positive difference; all will help inspire us to be part of the solution the world longs for and needs.