Dr. Hancock begins by explaining the word “Anthropocene,” the term geologists now use to describe this current geological age, so named because the harmful ecological footprint of human beings has been so catastrophic that it will appear in the geological record.
The Anthropocene, Hancock explains, is about far more than just climate change. While detailing the salient scientific information underlying the term Anthropocene Hancock also helps us to see that not every human being shares equally in creating harm nor suffers equally from environmental harm. High-income countries such as Canada have been living as if there are three or four earths, not one. He then reminds us of the “think globally, act locally” notion and how this way of thinking is being implemented in the One Planet Living movement, most particularly in the ongoing experience of One Planet Saanich.
Though Dr. Hancock delivers challenging information about the ecological crisis his presentation is ultimately hopeful. Throughout, he conveys a conviction that we can make the changes that need to be made and that, indeed, faith communities are essential in helping us transition to sustainable living.