1. To make a nomination, please read the Eligibilty section first and then choose the correct form to fill out:
Officer Nomination Form
Member Nomination Form
The forms are fillable Word documents. Please download, Save-As with a new name, and complete. For collecting signatures, we suggest printing the form and collecting the signatures in hardcopy, and then scanning it as a pdf to submit to the Secretary.
2. Submit the completed form and headshot to the Secretary by April 30, 2025. Forms and headshots must be submitted electronically to odbc@bc.anglican.ca.
3. Upon the closing date, nominations for officer and member (but not honorary) are passed to the Order’s advisory council to review and make recommendations to the bishop.
4. By June 30, 2025, the Secretary of the Order will communicate with the recipients about the bishop’s wish to bestow an award on them; in the case of Officer, to obtain their consent; and to advise them of the investiture arrangements.
5. The recipient must confirm their acceptance to the Secretary by July 31, 2025.
6. The 2025 Investiture Service will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, on October 25, 2025.