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Dear siblings in Christ; 

If we were all gathered together in one place for Synod, every person present would form the choir of song.  Though it's not possible to sing all together electronically because of delay issues, if we share our voices ahead of time we can create a virtual congregational choir that we can sing along with, remotely, come May 29.     

So here's the request: As a delegate, lay or clergy, please record yourself singing Canticle of the Turning (text: Rory Cooney, based on the Magnificat, music: Star of County Down).  It's sung in unison, though I will ask for vs 2 to be sung by high voices only and vs 3 to be low voices only, with verses 1 and 4 being sung all together. 

If you say YES you will receive a practice video and the instructions for recording yourself. Deadline will be May 14. Please join me!

And just in case you need encouragement, you don't have to be a singer, great or otherwise, to do this. In the Psalms we hear the exhortation 'to make a joyful noise unto the Lord'. Together, just like when we gather to worship at any other time in the flesh, that's what we're going to do. 

If you wish to participate, please let me know early next week so I can send you the materials.
