As part of its vision for Renewed Hearts, Renewed Spirits and Renewed People, the diocesan Creation Matters committee is helping our diocese Engage God's World through the responsible custodianship of the environment.

Humans are part of creation, and we make huge impacts on ecosystems through climate change caused by our burning fossil fuels, farming, fishing, urbanization and logging.

Creation Matters strives to inform and inspire members of the Diocese of Islands and Inlets to appreciate, respect and responsibly care for God’s gifts of the Earth and all life through the following:

  1. Educating Anglicans and supporting parish and community activities about creation care
  2. Bearing public witness to creation by honouring Christian traditions, local and First Nations’ knowledge, and science
  3. Reducing our personal and institutional carbon footprints, and assisting people affected by climate change
  4.  ‘Greening’ our church properties and operations
  5. Understanding the compatibility of religion and science

Creation Matters works within our environmental covenant with the creator – Genesis 2:15 The LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it) and through the Anglican Church of Canada's Fifth Mark of Mission (to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth).  

Creation Matters meets about 10 times a year.


All Anglicans are welcome to join Creation Matters work and our meetings. Contact us for more information. 

Like the Trinity, Creation Matters is distinct and unified with the Justice Matters and Relationship Matters committees of the diocese.