
This page provides resources for you to lead worship services, Morning and Evening Prayer, and the Liturgy of the Word, a church service without the Eucharist. 

(For those lay persons wishing to lead the primary Sunday worship service, please contact Paula Blundell at the Synod Office regarding obtaining a Lay Ministry certificate to do so.) 

Resources are provided for the BAS and BCP prayerbooks, Pray without Ceasing, as well as other forms of leading the Liturgy of the Word. Also provided are resources for a greater understanding of the lectionary and the liturgical year, the context of our Anglican worship, and ways to worship that engage with our bodies as well as minds and spirits. 

The Liturgical Year

Sunday Eucharist Lectionary and Daily Office Lectionaries

A note: Since 1992, the Anglican Church of Canada has used the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). Please check on the title page of your copy of the BAS to see if it was published after 1992. If it is up to date, it should say "A Book of Alternative Services", and indicate that it includes the Revised Common Lectionary. If your prayer book is out of date, it is fine to use - but you should go online or use a copy of McCausland's Ordo to access the lectionary readings and collect - whether the Sunday Eucharist readings or the Daily Office readings.

In this Diocese, the main Sunday service of Morning Prayer or a Liturgy of the Word led by a Lay Minister should use the Sunday Eucharist readings, not the Daily Office Readings. This is to ensure lectionary continuity from Sunday to Sunday.

Sunday Eucharist Readings:

Daily Readings:

Our worship context - global and local

Prayer Books and Prayer Resources online

Please take a look at the extensive list of resources on our own diocesan website.
The Anglican Church of Canada has a great page of worship resources to download. You can also download the following by clicking on these links:

Leading a Prayer Service


Choose from a variety of excellent pre-prepared sermons to share with your congregation for each Sunday in the year - Sermons that Work

The Church of England provides sermon resources for different seasons:
Advent and Christmas

Other services to consider

  • Taize offers peaceful, meditative services of candlelight and chanting. This form of worship originated with the ecumenical Taize community in Taize, France. Watch a prayer service here.
  • Celtic worship has its roots first in Ireland, then spreading through Scotland and Britain to the whole world. Learn more and watch a service here.

Recommended reading:

A note:  While Amazon links are given here for convenience, you are actively encouraged to order and purchase these books from your local independent bookstore, or, even better, buy them secondhand (Thrift Books is a great online resource.)

For your own prayer time or weekday services:

Recommended collections of prayers:

Bible Versions:

We use the NRSV version of the Bible in worship, although reading from Eugene Petersen's The Message, which uses contemporary language, can often deepen understanding. Similarly, take a look at the First Nations Version - an equivalence translation of the Bible, for its exquisite language, striking images and unique perspective.