The authorized liturgies for use in public worship in our diocese are:
- The Book of Common Prayer
- The Book of Alternative Services
- The Book of Alternative Services Supplementary Material - Eucharistic Prayers and Night Prayers - as approved at the General Synod of 1998
- The Lutheran Book of Worship (1978)
- Evangelical Worship (2005)
- All Creation Sings (addendum to the ELW, 2021)
- Liturgical books and resources authorized by other members of the Anglican Communion (New Zealand Prayer Book, Common Worship materials from the Church of England, etc.)
- Services of the Word from the Iona Community
- NOTE: Any use of Eucharistic liturgies from the Iona community need special permission from the bishop to ensure that they adhere to Anglican Eucharistic theology. Resources from the Iona community may be used for the liturgy of the word.
- Liturgies of the Islands and Inlets
- Pastoral Liturgurgies for Journeys of Gender Affirmation and Transition
Ministries are expected to follow the Revised Common Lectionary at all Sunday services. The bishop may, on occasion, give one-time-use permission for other forms. Combining materials taken from different liturgical forms is discouraged as it can diminish the integrity of each particular rite.