The Diocesan Safe Church Training Program provides training to clergy, staff, and volunteers to ensure our churches are places of safety from the harm of misconduct that can occur in situations when there is an imbalance of power. The training is designed to ensure our parishes are places of safety and wholeness for those who are seeking the love of Christ, and that all our volunteers and employees are aware of their own personal safety and are equipped to manage their own personal risk.


Who is Safe Church Training for:

A. Clergy, wardens, postulants, and all employees.

B.  Treasurers, envelope secretaries, and folks handling money.

C.  Anyone supervising or working with children or vulnerable people.

D.  Anyone who has a key to the church.

E.  Anyone in a named position.


Safe Church Training 3 Requirements:

Our Program has 3 requirements:

  1. Watch the Safe Church Video. Reach out to your parish's Safe Church Liaison (or to or your parish's Incumbent if there is no Liaison) for the video link). Watching the video must be witnessed and an attendance sheet signed by either your parish's Safe Chuch Liaison, clergy, warden, administrator, or Parish Council member. Required by anyone listed in A to E above.                                                                                                                                                                              
  2. Read the Diocesan Policies and sign the Acknowledgement Form.  All policies and forms can be found here on the diocesan website: Policies | Resources | Anglican Diocese of British Columbia Required by anyone listed in A to E above.                                                                                                                 
  3. Submit a Criminal Record Check (CRC) or Police Information Check (PIC), with vulnerable persons sector check. Required by anyone listed in A to D above. 

CRC's are required for volunteers. To request a CRC, ask your parish's Safe Church Liaison for the online link and code. The police may followup and ask you to be finger-printed, giving you 30 days to complete this request. They will send your CRC directly to the synod office.

PICs are for anyone paid over $500/year. PICs can be requested from your local police department (either online or in-person depending on the station - see full list of where to obtain a PIC in the side menu). They will ask for a letter from the Diocese, and this can be provided to you from your Safe Church Liaison, or by emailing if your parish does not have a Liaison. There is a $75 fee for a PIC, so keep your receipt and request a reimbursement from your parish, or the diocese if applicable. The police may followup and ask you to be finger-printed, giving you 30 days to complete this request. The ORIGINAL HARDCOPY of your PIC must be mailed or dropped off to the synod office at 900 Vancouver Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3V7.


Re-Certification and Reporting:

Re-certification of Safe Church Training is required every five years. Parishes report to the synod annually through their parish’s Safe Church Liaison. 



For all questions relating to Safe Church training, please email