The Bullock-Webster Retirement Grant is distributed annually by the Provincial House of Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of BC and the Yukon. The deadline for application is November 15, annually.

Recently retired clergy are eligible as follows:

  1. To those retiring from the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon and who have served five years in the Province immediately prior to retirement, or who have served five of the last ten years in the Province.
  2. Where in the discretion of the Bishop there is sufficient need.
  3. Those who retire at or after 65 years of age, or who have forty years of pensionable service, or who are accepted for permanent disability by General Synod Guidelines.

Download the application form here and submit to The Bishop of the Diocese of British Columbia via or by mail to 900 Vancouver Street, Victoria BC V8V 3V7 by the noted date above.