You will need permission from the creator or photographer to use images on your website or social media platforms. 

Steps to gain permission:

1. Contact the creator or photographer and ask permission, describing how the photo will be used. Ask if they would like a photo credit added with it's use.

2. Follow the instructions provided by the creator or photographer if granted permission. There will likely be conditions and a contract or permission form may be requested.

3. If payment is requested by the creator or photographer, pay all fees associated with the image's use prior to using it.

There are a number of website providing background or event images for social media or websites for free or monthly subscriptions. Read all conditions carefully when using a subscription based system or images that are listed as free.

 Please Note: If an image is used incorrectly or without permission, you may be fined. Fines vary from as little as $200 to $1000 per image.

An example of a Photo Credit:

Photo Credit: J. Abram Photography