Although our parishes are not public spaces, we believe the more they get used, the more faithful our stewardship of the valuable resources. In order to ensure that people using our spaces are safe and protected, renters are required to take the following steps:

1. Insurance

It is mandatory for rental users (groups and individuals) to carry liability insurance when renting a parish facility. The Anglican Church of Canada (through our insurance broker, AON Reed Stenhouse) has implemented a Facility Rental User Liability Insurance Program. This liability protection program will be offered to those renting parish/Diocesan facilities (i.e. churches, halls, rooms, fields). More information can be found below.

2. Our Respectful Conduct Policy

The organization or individual wishing to rent space must read our Respectful Conduct Policy, which can be found here. They must also sign and return the original copy of the A-2 Acknowledgement Form to the parish they are renting from, which can be found here.

Insurance Resources:

Insurance Made Simple — 3rd Party Group Liability Guide

Good risk management practices is what it is all about. The rental of your parish facilities requires that users have insurance liability coverage to protect them and the diocese against any financial impact of claims associated with the use of the rental. This brief guide explains user and group liability, the difference between them and how to apply for each. 

How Tenants Prove or Apply For Liability Coverage

This simple flowchart describes how tenants prove or apply for liability coverage.. 

AON Website link (for third-party liability insurance)

Please note: This programs only offers $5mill coverage while our minimum requirement for liability is $2mill. A credit card will be required to purchase insurance online.

When choosing from the Church Location field, please use the Diocese of British Columbia.

Groups are not obligated to use AON, and can purchase elsewhere online or through a local broker.