The Chapter of Deacons was formed in 2006 in response to recommendations of the Diocesan Commission on the Diaconate. The Chapter’s membership is comprised of all the “distinctive” deacons of the diocese.
“Distinctive” deacons follow their vocation to be deacons. They are not called to become priests. This language may seem confusing when a “transitional” Deacon is ordained to the priesthood not long after they have been ordained to the diaconate. The vocations for those called to the priesthood and those called to the diaconate are complimentary but each is unique in their history and ministry.
The Chapter meets three times a year with the Bishop. We gather for support, education, planning, and discussion of diaconal mission. The time the chapter spends together is important for nurture, education, and above all for community. We would ask for your prayers for our ministry in this diocese and request intentional prayers be offered on the 26th of each month for all deacons and for Diakonia of the Americas and Caribbean.