We Together 2024 took place at St. John the Divine in Victoria on April 13, 2024. The keynote speaker for the event was our diocesan theologian, John Thatamanil.
John Thatamanil
John J. Thatamanil is Professor of Theology and World Religions at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. He is the author of Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity (2020) and The Immanent Divine: God, Creation, and the Human Predicament; An East-West Conversation. His areas of research include theologies of religious diversity, comparative theology, philosophical theology, and ecotheology. He is committed to seeking interreligious wisdom by learning from the practices and insights of other religious traditions. He is also a Past President of the North American Paul Tillich Society.
John is an Anglican Priest in and Diocesan Theologian for the Diocese of Islands and Inlets. John was born in Kerala, India and migrated to the US as a child when he was just shy of 9. He traces his love for Indian religious traditions to his desire to learn more about what it means to be an Indian kid growing up in the US.
John is married to Kate Newman who is the Religious Educator at Christ Church Cathedral School and currently a PhD student at the University of Victoria. He is father to Moses Dryden and Kate Fulton-John. The “Two Kates” problem is a source of regular hilarity at home.