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Please note the dire situation in East Africa mentioned in the message from PWRDF below, and in the UN report from Friday, March 10 (see recent CBC report), that

The world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since the United Nations was founded in 1945 with more than 20 million people in four countries facing starvation and famine, the UN humanitarian chief said Friday.”   

The impacts of climate change, while most evident in our Arctic regions through warming temperatures, is actually by far the most serious in the sub-tropics where desertification is enacting its toll through reduced water supplies and failed crops, leading to these famines, fanning conflicts into civil wars, allowing terrorist groups to take advantage of every weakened situation, and creating 21st century climate refugees.  

If you would like a talk in your parish on the work of PWRDF and the climate problems facing us in this century, please contact the diocesan PWRDF coordinator. He will be away during May, 2017 while travelling to Tanzania to help PWRDF evaluate a food security and Maternal Newborn and Child Health program. Find stories on PWRDF programs at on their website  

Meanwhile, please consider including the attached insert in your church bulletin this week.

Contact the diocesan PWRDF coordinator

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