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What:   Beer & Hymns singalong event
When: Friday, June 7, 2024, 7.30pm
Where: Christ Church Cathedral, Quadra at Rockland

Christ Church Cathedral is pleased to announce a “Beer and Hymns” singalong event on Friday, June 7 at 7.30pm. The unlikely pairing is a fun-filled format which has been sweeping North America and Europe by storm. (Just try googling “beer and hymns!”)

What, exactly is it?: It’s an old-fashioned hymn sing with a twist! Guests will be treated to an evening of hymn singing, accompanied by the cathedral’s mighty Wolff organ. The cathedral’s concession stand will be available and stocked with beer, wine, non-alcoholic drinks, and snacks. Guests may also wish to request a hymn in advance using this form: The deadline for requests is Friday, May 31.

There will also be an opportunity on the night itself to bid to ensure that your favourite hymn gets included in the setlist. The best way to ensure you get to sing your favourite is by bringing lots of friends with you to vote together.

“I’m constantly reading about how singing together is good for your health,” says Christ Church Cathedral’s Director of Music, Donald Hunt. “We warmly invite members of other faiths and denominations – and of none – to come along and join in the fun. I can’t promise that pairing communal singing with beer will be good for your health, but I can promise a barn-burner of an evening!”

Admission by donation (all proceeds in aid of the work of the cathedral)


Christ Church Cathedral, located on the traditional lands of the Lekwungen peoples, is the episcopal seat of the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of British Columbia, which includes Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. The cathedral has a large parish community and contributes to the cultural, social, and spiritual life of Vancouver Island’s residents and visitors. The Gothic cathedral, one of Canada’s largest churches, was designed in 1896.


Donald Hunt Director of Music                                                              Mark McDonald Assistant Director of Music cell 778-584-0727 cell 514-653-6061