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The Year Ahead 2024-2025

Revised as of June 2024

We've outlined below important dates and events coming up in the next program year. Take a moment to mark your calendar. Dates for Diocesan Council have been included for information. Dates, times, and locations are subject to change.



Aug 15             Deadline for notices of motions for Diocesan Synod 2024 and nominations to

                           Diocesan Council, Provincial Synod and General Synod (see memo)

Sep 13              Convening Circular published for Diocesan Synod 2024

Sep 8                 Induction of The Rev. Vernon Foster, 6pm, St. Paul, Nanaimo

Sep 15               Ordination to the Sacred Order of (Transitional) Deacon, 4pm, Christ Church

                           Cathedral, Victoria, colour is red

Sep 20-22         Provincial Synod, Sorrento Centre

Sep 26               Diocesan Council, 10am -3pm, in-person at St. Peter, Quamichan

Sep 28               *Regional Conference of Cowichan Mid-Vancouver Island

Sep 29                Installation of The Rev. Jonathan Thomas, 4pm, Christ Church Cathedral, colour is


Sept 30              Deadline for all Safe Church Training updates within the diocese for the year ahead

Oct 5                  *Regional Conference of Western Peninsula and Gulf Islands

Oct 17                Clergy Compensation Info Session for clergy and wardens, 10am-11am, on Zoom

Oct 19                *Regional Conference of Greater Victoria

Oct 20                The Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon marks Refugee Sunday

Oct 24-26          North Island Clergy Gathering

Oct 26                *Regional Conference of North Island

Oct 31                Parish Annual Operations Grant deadline, 5pm

Nov 1                 Diocesan Synod 2024 All Saints Service, 7pm, Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria,

                            colour is white

Nov 2                 Diocesan Synod 2024, 9:30am, The Baumann Centre at St. John the Divine, Victoria

Nov 25               Deacon’s Day, Location TBD

Nov 28               Diocesan Council, 10am -3pm, in-person at St. Paul, Nanaimo

Dec 23               Synod Office closed until Jan 2



Jan 2                 Synod office re-opens

Jan 17               Application deadline for Lay Leadership in Worship Course (Mar 6 – Jun 5)

Jan 23               Diocesan Council, 10am-12pm, on Zoom

Feb 5                 Bishop’s Dinner, 6pm, Inn at Laurel Point

Feb 6                 Clergy Day (mandatory for licensed clergy), 9:30am, Christ Church Cathedral,


Feb 28               Deadline for Parish AGMs

Mar 5                Ash Wednesday

Mar 15              Deadline for submission of Parish Financial Reports (PFR), Parish Information

                           Reports (PIR), and Parish Annual Reports (PAR)

Mar 22              Warden's and Treasurer's Day, 10am – 3pm, St. Paul, Nanaimo

Mar 27              Diocesan Council, 10am-12pm, on Zoom

Apr 13-19         Holy Week

Apr 20               Easter Sunday

May 4                Diocesan-wide Confirmations, 4pm, Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria

May 5-8            Clergy Conference (mandatory for licensed clergy), Bayside Oceanfront

                           Resort and St. Edmund, Parksville

Jun 5                  Administrator’s Day, 10am – 3pm, St. Philip, Cedar

Jun 19                Diocesan Council, 10am-3pm, in-person at TBD

June 21              National Indigenous People’s Day

Jun 23-29          General Synod, London, Ontario

Oct 25, 2025     Order of the Diocese, Investiture Service, Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria


*Regional Conference attendees include active licenced clergy in the region, wardens, treasurer, and the lay delegates and alternates from each parish within the region.

Charisms is hosted on Zoom, on the second Tuesday each month at 12pm noon.

Educational Trusts Board (ETB) deadline for grant submissions: 15th of January, April, May, August, and October.

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