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Shona Bell & Teri Murphy
Corrymeela Community, Northern Ireland

This day-long conference for lay members of the diocese will teach participants ways to enter into conflict in a healthy and productive way, informed by the Gospel, towards peaceful resolution.

As we work to be a renewed people on these islands and inlets, change is inevitable. With change, comes conflict, which, if embraced, is a healthy part of the change process. Together we will consider ways to move conflict away from potential dispute towards opportunities for growth, creativity and inspiration. The lessons learned here are applicable in our homes, workplaces, communities and churches.

Cost: $25 (includes lunch)
Note: A $2.11/ticket EventBrite fee will be applied at checkout.

About our Facilitators

Teri Murphy
has been a peace practitioner, scholar, and global development consultant for over twenty-five years.  She currently works at the Corrymeela Peace Centre as their Scholar/Practitioner-in-Residence. In Teri’s initial years as a mediator, she was an Episcopal chaplain and mediated disputes in the Diocese of Arizona.  Eventually, while living and working in South Africa, she completed doctoral work from the University of Cape Town, focusing on collective memory, narrative, and social healing. Since then, she has facilitated peacebuilding efforts in Bosnia, Turkey, and Somalia.  Now, alongside supporting the education and leadership efforts of Corrymeela, she is also a consultant for Christian Aid, one of the UK’s largest humanitarian agencies, on their new initiative, “Tackling Violence, Building Peace” in Angola and Afghanistan.

Shona Bell
Shona Bell
joined the Corrymeela team for a second time in 2013 and is currently responsible for programme activity at the Corrymeela Centre in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland. 

In addition to being a highly experienced trainer in Conflict Management, Mediation, Advanced Group Work, Good Relations & Civic Leadership, Controversial Issues and Diversity training, Shona had lead responsibility for designing an “eLearning” Diversity training programme for the Northern Ireland Civil Service, Disability Action and Queens University. She has worked internationally as a “Coach/Trainer” with Dialogue for Peaceful Change and has trained at home and in India, Pakistan, Israel/Palestine, the USA, Africa and Canada.  She has also worked with a range of agencies abroad including Concern and OSCE in the Balkans, Pakistan and Georgia. Shona has a passion for collaborative approaches to peace-building and an on-going commitment to communities who want to build capacity and positive ways of dealing with difficulty. 

Vision Areas of Focus:
 Faith in Formation, Faith in Action
Vision Directions: Lay Ministry & Leadership Formation, Reconciliation and Beyond