I often come back to the words of St. Irenaeus, “the Glory of God is a human being, fully alive,” and strive to be a leader that calls out and nurtures the gift of others.  At the same time, I am also not afraid to be directive, to hold people to account, and to give and ask for constructive feedback.  More and more in my leadership, I find myself asking those around me, “what am I not seeing" and "what are you hearing." I seek to listen and consult in order to take definitive action when necessary.

In the News

Bishop writes: Money is being wasted on "managing" homelessness; build housing instead, July 25 2024 - Times Colonist

Bishop writes: Land, Law, Religion and Reconciliation: A Colloquium, May 5 2023 - Times Colonist

Jack Knox: Island's biggest refugee sponsor pushed out, December 28 2022 – Times Colonist 

Bishop contributed to the opinion: Federal changes could make it impossible for private groups to sponsor refugees, say faith leaders, December 13 2022 - The Globe and Mail   

Bishop comment: A call for coherence in this climate emergency, December 29 2021 – Times Colonist 

Jack Knox: Faith groups eager to go back inside, but maybe not right away, May 28 2021 - Times Colonist
Bishop participates in interfaith peace vigil for Israel and Palestine, May 23 2021- CHEK News (begins at 4:20sec)
Church's affordable housing project falls through amid "skyrocketing" building costs, delays - Times Colonist, April 18 2021
COVID-19 Update - CTV News at 5, March 16 2021 (24:00-26:12)
COVID-19 Update - CTV News at 5, March 9 2021 (1:10-3:26)
Popular City Rector Elevated to Bishop of BC - Calgary Herald, October 17, 2020