Just as the church was renewed and transformed 1500 years ago on a few small islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, so it is being renewed and transformed today on these islands and inlets.

Developing out of the Anglican Communion’s five Marks of Mission, our diocesan vision is expressed in three areas of focus:   

  • Faith in Action 
  • Faith in Formation
  • Faith in Foundation  

Faith in Action 

We are called to be a people of action, seeking justice for those at the margins of our society, sharing the good news with our neighbours, and regularly serving our communities. We seek to be the hands of Christ in the world by focusing on the following directions:

  1. Engaging God’s World  Taking concrete action to advance economic and social justice, the fair and equitable distribution of resources, and responsible custodianship of the environment.  
  2. Emerging Ministries  Encouraging and supporting emerging new forms of spiritual community, to plant the church more widely in the world. 
  3. Reconciliation & Beyond  Recommitting ourselves to an ongoing shared journey with First Nations and people of all nations and cultures, especially those who feel hurt or abandoned by the church. 

Faith in Formation 

Daily prayer, regular attendance at church, scripture reading and study, and the ongoing renewal of our liturgical practices are all part of how we equip the saints to be faithful disciples of Christ in the world. Our formation is centred in the following three directions:   

  1.  Youth & Family Ministry  Making a demonstrable and real commitment to identifying and meeting the needs of younger people within the Anglican Church.
  2. Worship Resources  Providing diverse opportunities and resources for worship and for personal and family spiritual practice.
  3. Lay Ministry & Leadership Formation  Celebrating and lifting up the ministry of all the baptized and ensuring all are engaged in the mission of the church. Equipping and enabling both lay and ordained leaders so they may exercise their gifts for the benefit of all.  

Faith in Foundation 

Underpinning all of our efforts to grow in faith and reach out to a beautiful and hurting world are those things that ensure our vitality and viability now and into our unknowable future, including: 

  1. Asset Management  Using existing assets effectively by sharing them widely and creating new community partnerships.
  2. Financial Resources  Engaging sustainable fundraising efforts to support initiatives at every level of the diocese for the long-term.
  3. Effective Communication  Communicating effectively as Anglicans on these islands and inlets, both among ourselves and with the wider world.
  4. Current Ministries  Revitalizing and transforming existing spiritual communities and inviting others to join us.
  5. Shared and Remote Ministries  Devoting particular attention to the special needs of remote parishes and ecumenical shared ministries.