Permission to Officiate Requirements

Canon 5.3.a states that “All clergy exercising ministry within the Diocese of Islands and Inlets shall have either a written license or permission to officiate from the bishop.” A letter of Permission to Officiate (PTO)  must be issued from the current bishop to be considered valid. 

Note - if retired or visiting clergy are simply filling in once as a guest, a letter of good standing from their diocese is required to be emailed to requesting approval from the bishop prior to the service.  

To request Permission to Officiate please complete the following steps: 

1, Complete all Safe Church Requirements. Please submit any questions or documentation to 

a)   A valid Criminal Record Check (CRC) (for volunteers) or a Police Information Check with Vulnerable Persons Sector check (PIC) (for employees or folks receiving payment/ honorariums over $500 within the calendar year). A valid record is within the last 5 years. For volunteers, you can either request and fill out our Public Safety form OR go to the website and enter our Access Code: T9X4DHYNLX to use the BC services app to complete your CRC request. 

b)   Safe Church training completed within the last 5 years, or an equivalent training from your diocese. You can watch the Safe Church video training at the synod office by appointment or have a qualified administrator observe you watch it at a local parish.  

c)   Signed Policy Acknowledgement form after reading the diocesan policies. Click the link to read the policies and sign and return the A-1 form linked there. 

2. Send a Letter of Good Standing from your diocese to the bishop’s office. Or make sure everything is in good standing in this diocese. 

3. Make sure you are actively associated with an Anglican parish and are known to the incumbent, wardens, or regional archdeacon, who are aware of and supportive of the ministry being undertaken. The bishop's office will connect with the incumbent, wardens or regional archdeacon to confirm. 

Once you have completed these three steps, you may fill out the Permission to Officiate Request Form but clicking on the link below. Please note that any incomplete forms received or emails requesting PTO will not be completed. 

For questions or problems pertaining to PTO, please email The Rev. Canon Jenny Replogle, the Canon for Lay-led Parishes and Parishes-in-Transition at .