Wardens and Treasurers Day will take place on Saturday, May 25, 2024 from 10am-3pm at St. Peter, Lakehill, part of Two Saints Ministry located at 3939 St. Peter's Road, Victoria, BC. That’s off Quadra St, just south of McKenize Ave, allowing for easier access for folks visiting from outside the city, with tons of parking!
This annual event is an opportunity to gather with one another, ask questions, and learn valuable information pertaining to your ministry. As last year’s event was such a success, we’re thrilled to present a new line-up of morning and afternoon sessions for you to choose from. Download the Agenda, located at the bottom of this page.
This event is designed for wardens and treasurers; however others in leadership at your parish who may benefit from these topics are welcome to attend. If you are travelling to this event, here’s a link to the Diocesan Travel Reimbursement Policy.
Registration is required to attend (deadline May 10th).
P.S. We created a QuickBooks Workshop after Wardens and Treasurers Day in 2023 . For more information on this free online event on May 14, 2024, CLICK HERE.