Welcome to the local expression of Cursillo, a national movement. 

What is Cursillo?

Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning “little” or “short” course. Cursillo is a method of renewal for the Church. There are three equally important parts of the Cursillo method:

  1. Pre-Cursillo — a time when those who have already participated in a Three-Day Weekend are active in identifying people as candidates for a Three-Day Weekend experience. We all have been given gifts from God and we are helping to identify those who are potential leaders within their parishes in whatever capacity that might be. As they are identified, Cursillistas begin to pray about when would be the right time for them to participate in Cursillo activities. The Cursillistas will introduce them to the Cursillo Method by sponsoring them for a Three-Day Weekend and getting them involved in the Fourth Day activities.

  2. Three-Day Weekend —led by a team made up of laity and clergy. New participants (candidates) are exposed to the Cursillo approach through a series of fifteen talks (Rollos), five meditations, daily Eucharist and other worship, music and fellowship. The fifteen talks cover the basics of Christianity and concentrate on the concepts of piety, study and action. Away from the everyday pressures of their lives, participants form a Christian Community by learning, praying, singing and living together.

  3. Fourth Day or Post-Cursillo — follows the Three-Day Weekend and includes Group Reunion, Ultreya and Spiritual Direction. The third part of the method is the support system for the rest of your life and includes two primary elements:
    • frequent small group meetings with a few close friends for mutual support, encouragement, and accountability in the life of Grace, called Group Reunion
    • monthly meetings, called Ultreyas, with others who have made a Three-Day Weekend or who would like to make one. Here they can share, sing, and pray together so that they may be lifted up and strengthened in their ministries.

Three -Day Weekend

It begins on a Thursday evening and ends on Sunday afternoon. During those three days, the Cursillistas (those attending) live and work together, listening to talks given by clergy and laity.  

The weekend focuses on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ and provides Cursillistas a means to continue the Christian formation that began in the three-day retreat. 

Cursillo has been active in the diocese since 1981 and, with the support of the Bishop, operates as a vital lay ministry formation program of the diocese.

Weekend Candidate Application

Please email the completed and signed forms to the Pre-Cursillo Director

 Cursillo will help your parish ministry by:

  • Developing lay leaders 
  • Encouraging supportive worship leaders
  • Aiding in ongoing Christian education 
  • Providing small group support for Cursillistas when they return to parish life

Want to Learn More About Cursillo?

We encourage clergy of the diocese to attend a Cursillo Weekend so they can share their experience with others. 

We are always happy to come to your parish to speak about Cursillo in the context of worship, at parish council or for a ministry leadership team. Contact us to arrange a date.