With parishes across the diocese scrambling to try to figure out how to be a church without walls, we want to assure you that we are all in this together and together, with God's help, we will create exciting opportunities to be church in new (and old) ways. We are collecting resource ideas and links and curating them on our diocesan website here.
We are also hard at work with our cathedral, dean, regional deans, archdeacons and other leaders from around the diocese in finding ways to use videos and livestreaming in creative and collaborative ways to maintain a community of prayer and liturgical practice, together.
We don't all have to do everything. This is a time to pool our resources--to let each part of the body make its contribution to the whole. So, let's slow down... and breathe in the grace of God...and exhale the trust exemplified by God's son, Jesus on the cross. And then, together, let's roll up our sleeves and be Christ in a hurting world, reminding our neighbours that God is good and we are safe in God's keeping.
Contact your regional dean or archdeacon to find out more and to share ideas and let them know how you would like to be involved.